How To Use Sustainable Investing To Increase Your Civic Power
Oct 19, 2020
Juan Carlos Medina, Contributor
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With the 2020 election around the corner, civic duty is on the minds of millions of Americans. In the first segment of this two-part series, I shared the idea of taking a two-pronged approach to voting in order to drive change quickly and impactfully. The first and arguably the most important prong is to vote in your local and national elections, which will culminate on Nov. 3rd 2020. The second and arguably just as important prong is to vote with your dollars via how you purposefully direct your spending and investing.
This week, I will focus on how to take conscious spending one step further by becoming a conscious investor. By taking this multi-pronged approach, we can collectively put millions of votes financially and politically to work. This allows us to advocate for the things we care most about, live in more complete alignment with our values, and ultimately create the change we want to see!
What does it mean to be a conscious investor?
Being a conscious investor refers to sustainable investing. Sustainable investing is about directing your investment money to companies who care about making a positive impact on society or the environment. There are three general styles of sustainable investing:
Creating a financially well society through passion and purpose.
1: ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance): This style considers a company’s environmental, social and governance practices, coupled with traditional financial measures that help identify value in companies – not just at supporting a set of values. This style uses criteria such as a company’s practices or impacts around, for example, carbon emissions or diversity and workplace policy, board structure, executive compensation and political contributions. It provides investors ratings on these and various other measures to aid them in making investment decisions. With ESG investing, the investor aims to maximize financial returns while focusing on social impact by investing in companies that are rated highly on the metrics that matter most to them.
2: SRI (Socially Responsible Investing): This style is arguably the origin of the sustainable investing movement. It spawned the ESG and impact investing styles. Today, SRI is focused on investing in companies with the highest ESG ratings but takes it one step further by actively removing or choosing investments based on specific ethical guidelines. For example, they might exclude companies whose primary business relates to tobacco, weapons, or causing environmental damage or they might specifically include companies that promote diversity and inclusion or that may contribute to charitable causes. This style allows investors to be a little more specific and targeted on the investments that most closely align with their values.
3. Impact investing: This style involves further sharpening your financial support for a company or a specific service that aims to deliver a positive benefit to society or the environment. For example, it can include investing in a non-profit that is dedicated to the research and development of providing sanitary conditions and health care to undeveloped countries or a company focused on providing financial support to lower income households or providing change management around racial equity. This style focuses on the social outcome first, while the financial outcome is secondary.
Where’s the rub?
One of the biggest arguments against being a conscious investor is that it means compromising on performance. However, investing according to our values and getting superior returns are no longer mutually exclusive but rather inextricably linked. The reasoning is that by spending according to our values and then investing according to those values, we encourage an inflow of financial support to the companies and businesses that align with those values. As a result, we then influence an increase in their share value – which could mean better investment performance and companies further aligning with the change we want to see. Don’t take my word for it though…
Let’s look at the research.
According to Blackrock in Q1 2020, ~90 percent of ESG funds outperformed their parent benchmarks. Part of this came from the fact that ESG funds were not exposed to oil and gas, which suffered a slump in demand as a result of the pandemic. However, the outperformance continued in Q2 2020 after these stocks recovered. In fact, recent research shows that in the past 10 years, 6 out of 10 sustainable funds delivered higher returns than equivalent conventional funds and a study by Morgan Stanley analyzed the performance of 11,000 ESG focused funds from 2004-2018 and found that performance was comparable with that of their non-ESG focused peers. Furthermore, according to this ESG investing history report from Morningstar, there have been increasingly massive inflows to ESG funds over the years in light of continuous social, environmental, and governance violations and the demands for transformation in these areas.
How do I become a conscious investor?
Step 1: Create a list of your values: Your values are the basic and fundamental beliefs that guide or motivate your attitudes and actions for yourself, your family, and your community/society. Once you have a list of these values, you can then use them to drive where you purposefully spend and invest your money.
For example, one of my values is that women and men should have equal rights, pay and opportunities, and your sex should not determine your options, income or opportunity in any role or industry. In a recent report, over 865,000 women have dropped out of the workforce as a result of the pandemic and the impact on their household! I will continue to use this as a guidepost in selecting where I spend and invest my money amongst my other values.
Step 2: Determine your investment strategy. Start by taking a risk tolerance questionnaire like this one to determine the optimal mix of stocks, bonds, and cash according to your goals and comfort with taking risk. Next, decide if you want to be a hands-on or hands-off investor. A quick litmus test that I suggest using is determining whether you have the will, skill and time to select your investments and properly manage them. If you are unable to honestly say yes to these 3 requirements then you might be better off being a hands-off investor until you feel you are ready to follow an appropriate investment process.
Step 3: Use the right tools to incorporate sustainable investing into your strategy according to the style or styles you prefer and whether you want to be hands-on or hands-off.
Style #1: ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance):
Hands-on approach: You can leverage a site like Morningstar for ESG and sustainability ratings or sites like Sustainalytics (which was recently acquired by Morningstar), As You Sow and MSCI that have also developed scoring for companies based on these factors.
Hands-off approach: You can leverage a financial advisor who is a Certified Financial Planner™ professional or use managed accounts including robo-advisors. Here are some examples:
Earthfolio: Provides a customized portfolio with exposure to ESG investments. The site also gives you the ability to join a community of shareholders as stakeholders that are aligned with various causes such as equality and diversity, community development, and human rights.
Sustainafolio: This is a technology-based platform that allows you to integrate sustainability into your portfolio digitally.
You can also look into your current bank or preferred brokerage firm’s offering. Many, if not all of them, can include ESG investments as part of a diversified investment strategy.
Style # 2: SRI (Socially Responsible Investing):
Hands-on approach: You can use a site like the Forum for Sustainable and Responsible Investment (US SIF) to access a comprehensive list of mutual funds and ETFs offered by US SIF’s institutional member firms. This is a public tool that individual investors can use to compare cost, financial performance, screens and voting records of competing funds.
Hands-off approach: You can leverage a financial advisor who is a Certified Financial Planner™ professional or use managed accounts including robo-advisors such as:
Aspiration – A certified B corporation which focuses on socially-conscious investments and sustainable cash management services.
Other platforms like Betterment, Wealthsimple and Personal Capital allow you to choose either 100% of you portfolio in SRI or just a portion of it as well.
Style # 3: Impact Investing:
Hands-on approach: Examples of hands on approaches include investing in green bonds to help communities battle the impact of climate change, microfinance investments offering small loans to help people in poverty or conservation notes, which buy up threatened ecosystems to protect them from destruction. Alternatively, you can reach out to specific non-profits focused on the values you care most about, discuss community-focused projects with local banks, or leverage sites that crowd-source companies and projects that are focused on specific issues like Rich and Resilient Living.
Hands-off approach: You can leverage a financial advisor who is a Certified Financial Planner™ professional or use managed accounts including robo-advisors such as:
Impact Labs :This platform allows you to select which specific causes matter most to you and then builds a personalized index of companies based on your preferences.
Newday: A certified B corporation that applies socially responsible investment principles, while also giving you the opportunity to direct money into specific areas such as removing ocean plastic, protecting endangered species, sustainable agriculture, and even Catholic values and Muslim stewardship portfolios.
As you can see there are many ways to go about this and there is no one right way to do it. In fact, the right way is the way that works best for you. As with being a conscious consumer, becoming a conscious investor and aligning your investments with your values can take time, but don’t let that deter you. Instead, let the possibility of change and the collective power you have with your votes motivate you. Go cast your vote in November, begin aligning your spending and investing with your values, and change the world!