Introducing EarthFolio: Power to the Everyinvestor

What you need to know:
- Sit at the virtual boardroom table as a sustainable shareholder.
- EarthFolio leverages technology to lower fees and minimums.
- Sustainable investing has exceeded $6.5 trillion in assets.
Picture this: You are seated at a conference table where stiffly suited executives are thumbing through the pages of an end-of-year report. You are wearing your bathrobe and bunny slippers, but no one seems to notice.
The company’s CEO floats a proposal to shift its energy sources to a mix of wind and solar. You glance around the room; the suits do not respond.
“I support this,” you announce. “It makes sense on every level.” As you lay forth your arguments, the executives give their full attention to the oddly dressed disruptor in the room. They nod in agreement, and the proposal passes with unanimous support. Just like that, you are a climate superhero.
Fantasy? Not entirely. When you vote with your investment dollars, you become a stakeholder in companies you care about and an advocate for issues that matter to you.
EarthFolio is your seat at the virtual boardroom table.
EarthFolio is a revolutionary online investing website that quickly and easily creates your investment plan and then expertly manages your investments, so you don’t have to. And the best part? EarthFolio only invests in companies that are considered “best-in-class” in up to ten environmental, social and corporate governance categories.
Think of it as a robo-advisor that keeps your head and your heart in sync.
You shop online. You book your travel online. You bank online. Almost every aspect of your life is digital. And now, investment advice and portfolio management are going online as well.
Robo-advising is the term that describes investment advice that’s delivered through the Internet instead of through a traditional advisor. Going robo means you answer a series of questions online, and in seconds you get an investment plan personalized to you. No appointments. No big fees. No need to change out of your pajamas.
Sophisticated, personalized investment advice was once a luxury item. Robo-advisors have democratized the investing process with low fees and low minimums, making it affordable and accessible for all. It’s no wonder the concept’s popularity has skyrocketed in recent years.
Invest like a superhero
What sets EarthFolio apart from other robo-advisors is a belief that investing isn’t just a transaction; it’s an opportunity to own companies that are aligned with your values.
If this resonates with you, you’re in good company. More and more investors are choosing funds that are engaged with promoting environmental and social progress. That’s especially true among women and millennials; in a recent survey, seven out of ten said they value the social and environmental impact of their investment choices.
In fact, one in six dollars under professional management is invested in socially responsible assets—$6.57 trillion in 2014. You know what happens when a critical mass of investors choose social responsibility? Change happens.
In recent years, socially responsible investors have transformed companies from the inside out by advocating for issues ranging from gender equality to ecological conservation to financial transparency. Not surprisingly, Wall Street studies are now showing that companies that are good corporate citizens perform competitively over the long-term.
The folks behind EarthFolio were among the earliest drivers of this movement. Fifteen years ago, they had the foresight to start helping investors use their dollars to impact the planet in a personal and meaningful way. With EarthFolio, they have unleashed the full potential of that vision, bringing the change-making power of socially responsible investing to the entire online world.
For the first time, the fantasy of the virtual boardroom is real. With EarthFolio, you have the power to change the planet from the comfort of your home.
You don’t have to be a CEO or politician to influence corporate behavior; the glow of your laptop is the only spotlight you need. And if you look closely at your reflection in the screen, you may notice that your bathrobe looks remarkably like a cape.