The environmental movement begins when Apollo 8 transmits a live image of the Earth from the moon.
Pax World becomes the first fund to screen for social and environmental issues.
South Shore Bank offers the first community development deposits.
EarthFolio Screen:
Community Development
Earth Day is celebrated for the first time.
Students protest the Vietnam War and force universities to divest from companies manufacturing napalm.
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New Alternatives Fund becomes the first fund to invest in alternative energy.
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Clean Tech
Socially Responsible Investment assets top $40 billion.*
Apartheid in South Africa sparks widespread divestment around the globe.
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Human Rights
Domini Social Index becomes the first sustainable index.
The United Nations defines sustainable development as "Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."
The Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska leads to the Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economies (CERES) establishing voluntary corporate codes of conduct regarding waste. reduction, energy conservation, and public safety.
Meyers Pride Value Fund becomes the first fund to focus on LGBT friendly public companies.
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Equality & Diversity
The Dow Jones Sustainability Index is launched.
Socially Responsible Investment assets top $639 billion.*
Home Depot stops sales of old-growth timber based on shareholder activism.
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The SEC, responding to pressure from socially responsible funds, requires mutual funds to begin disclosing proxy voting records and policies.
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Corporate Governance
The United Nations Principles of Responsible Investment is launched creating a global sustainability framework for companies and investors.
United Nations sets the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) to provide a globally agreed framework to make the world more sustainable by 2030.
Socially Responsible Investment assets top $639 billion.*
President George W. Bush signs legislation authorizing state and local governments to divest from companies doing business with Sudan.
EarthFolio Screen:
Human Rights
Socially Responsible Investment assets top $11.6 trillion